What is DragonKill?

DragonKill is an active turn based strategy MMORPG. A robust player made economy with a variety of trades and gathering skills to create many different items. Organized PVP that is optional. Hardcore dungeon crawls solo or up to 6 friends in a group and 40 members in a raid.


Once a month players have the option to sign up for arena, which is a tournament style Battle to the death. Players go head-to-head and winner takes all with a unique prize every month. Dying in the Arena results in character deletion.


DKP will be a reward from playing the game. Players can use DKP in game to purchase items and characters from NPCs or other players. once per day players can convert in game gold into DKP and sell it for US dollars.

Will NFT’s play a role in Dragonkill?

(be sure to uncheck for sale and click on minted)

Check out our full list of NFT’s here https://sologenic.org/profile/dkp_dragonkill


Xumm is an XRP digital wallet and it is the direct bridge to buy or sell DKP.


Trustline to DKP


DKP is a token built on the XRP ledger that is incredibly fast and has very low fees.

Gaming Engine

Dragonkill runs on the Unity engine.



Come chat with us if you have any other questions!

How do I buy DKP?

your first option is through the dex using xrpl.to https://xrpl.to/token/dragonkill-dkp this site also has a lot of extra information about the tokenomics

Sologenic Dex is your second option which has our NFT store. Sologenic also utilizes the dex (decentralized exchange).